dinsdag 24 december 2013

Gmate Wheel is the Best Deal!

It came as no surprise for many, but the Gmate Wheel is the best deal of 2013! For diabetic products this is the best deal when looking at price/quality comparison. Besides that, the product lifecycle is very long and the products is accurate. This came as good news for the Gmate company. Therefore, they held a special celebration night for the company. They invited diabetic patients and served them with free test strips and good and healthy food. This was a strategic move from the German company. This will increase there customer loyalty and they will definitely buy the new Gmate Wheel when it arrives in the pharmacies.

Why Gmate Wheel is the best

The products is very accurate and gives almost direct results. For diabetic patients this is really convenient since it is sometimes necessary to wait for a minute or so. Besides that, the quality of the meter is very high and it is made from hardend plastic. This plastic does not have damage when it falls on the ground. So it is easy to carry to wherever you are heading to, also on trips.

Gmate is going to produce a new Wheel

The company is currently working on a new Gmate meter that is going to be sold in Germany sold first. The meter will be presented in 2014, possibly in January or February. They are trying to improve the already great glucose meter, and take it to the next level. The test strips will not be affected, that is what Gmate is promising its patients. This will be convenient since some clients buy a lot of test strips in one batch. 

dinsdag 10 december 2013

Can I order diabetes products online?

Malaysia is on its way to become the country with the highest number of diabetic patients. In a few years the number of diabetics will rise until 20 percent. Note that this is the number of diagnosed patients, in the rural areas there are a lot of diabetics who are not. There are a lot of initiatives by the government and private companies to make the life of those patients more convenient. In this article I want to inform you about the new diabetes webshop.

What is a diabetes webshop?

The National Diabetes Institute of Malaysia cooperated with a privatized company to create a diabetes webshop. They did this to make the life of diabetic patients more convenient. First, patients needed to go to local pharmacies frequently. This is time consuming and expensive for them. Besides that, there are a lot of traffic jams, especially in the big cities like Kuala Lumpur.

The online diabetes store makes it possible to order their diabetes products online with ease. The products are delivered at their homes, and against low prices. Also, because the online store has no physical store the prices are lower than local pharmacies. This is a win-win situation for the patient. The products can be ordered not only in Malaysia, but also in other ASEAN countries.

Why order diabetic products online?

For Malaysians it is still new to order products online. They are afraid for their security online. But there is no need for that. The webshop is highly secured by online payment providers and the use of the latest technologies.